Security Services

Imagine yourself at a shopping mall when a security guard accuses you of shoplifting. So, can a security guard arrest you in Bangladesh? Understanding their legal powers and limitations is often confusing to people. Therefore we must explore exactly what security guards can and cannot do regarding arrests. 

Legal Framework of Security Guards

Security guards serve a critical function, but their power does not rival that of police officers. Security guards’ primary duty is protecting property and individuals in designated areas. While still possessing some legal powers to detain individuals in certain instances.

Can a Security Guard Arrest You | Citizen’s Arrest

Security guards possess one of the primary powers available to them as citizens. The ability to make citizen’s arrests under certain conditions. Invoking a citizen’s arrest often includes witnessing crime occurring or having reasonable grounds for suspecting someone of wrongdoing committing offenses against the law or an order from above. However individual jurisdiction may vary and specific knowledge must be gained of local laws when undertaking these types of detainments.

Limitations and Restrictions

While security guards can make citizen arrests: 

  • They must adhere to stringent guidelines to not overstep their bounds, and 
  • Violate the legalities of detaining individuals for extended periods. 

Furthermore, security guards cannot use excessive force. All detention must be reasonable and justifiable based on legal reasons alone. Their primary role should be turning over all detained individuals as quickly as possible to the police force for arrest proceedings.

Security Guards’ Limited Use of Force

Security guards can utilize reasonable force when making citizen arrests. What constitutes “reasonable” can vary based on what constitutes a threat and their level. Generally speaking, physical restraint may be employed if someone resists arrest but any force that could cause severe injury must not exceed certain thresholds.

Legal Consequences

Security guards who overstep their legal authority can face dire repercussions. It includes unlawful detention or the excessive use of force against an individual, which could result in legal action being filed against them and their employer. Therefore, security guards should receive proper training regarding their legal limitations to operate legally and safely.


Q1. Can security guards arrest me for trespassing?

Yes, security guards may arrest you for trespassing when they observe someone engaged in such behavior and have reasonable cause to believe a criminal activity has taken place.

Q2. Can security guards arrest me for shoplifting?

Yes, a security guard who witnesses someone shoplifting, etc. They may use citizen’s arrest to detain and hold that individual until police arrive to arrest them.

Q3. Can security guards search my belongings?

Security guards do not possess the same search powers as police officers. They should always ask permission before searching your belongings unless specific conditions apply, such as company policy in a private business setting.

Q4. What should you do if a security guard tries to arrest me?

If a security guard attempts to arrest you: 

  1. Remain calm and do not resist. 
  2. Instead, seek clarity as to the purpose of your detention, 
  3. Request that police be immediately summoned, 
  4. Document any incidents, and 
  5. Seek legal advice if your rights were violated.


Can a security guard detain you? While security guards do have some power to detain individuals. Their authority is strictly governed by legal guidelines and should only be exercised under specific circumstances and within legal boundaries. Knowing these restrictions helps safeguard your rights and ensures security guards operate within legal parameters. Understanding these constraints helps safeguard both individual’s rights as well as ensure their conduct within the confines of law. Can a security guard arrest me? Possibly but only under specific conditions and legal framework.

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